Information overload and ADHD

Adult ADHD: What You Should Know

You find yourself struggling to get things done.
You’re more forgetful.
And you’re wondering, “Is it just forgetfulness or something more?”

Childhood vs Adult ADHD

But ADHD is probably not on your short list. After all, it’s a childhood disorder, right? Yes and no.

ADHD is generally considered a childhood disorder and, in fact, the onset of symptoms generally occurs in early childhood. Symptoms improve over time; however, about half of children who experience ADHD will carry those symptoms into adulthood.

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I Can’t Sleep: Is It Anxiety or Insomnia?

Sleep is essential to every vital function in the body. Go without even one night of sleep and you’re likely to feel it the next day. Getting good sleep regulates the body’s hormones, helps the brain clear toxins, and even helps with weight management. Sleeping well is one of the healthiest things you can do to optimize good health and well-being.

Even the best of sleepers will have an occasional sleepless night. For some people though, sleepless nights are the norm. In fact, the National Institutes of Health estimate that nearly 40 million Americans struggle with chronic sleep issues and insomnia. Anxiety has also been linked to sleep problems.

If you’re struggling to sleep, you may be wondering is it insomnia or anxiety? The answer might surprise you.

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Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is something we all have. It is a part of our physiological makeup and serves a distinct purpose. Rooted in the primitive “fight or flight” survival response, anxiety serves as our early warning system, alerting us to dangers we may not even be able to detect yet. Sometimes though, the body’s anxiety response gets out of balance, remaining in a heightened state of alert. It can come on for no apparent reason and results in  what we commonly recognize as “anxiety”. It is when these episodes impact the ability to function that people start looking for relief.

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